Ophthalmology working for a colorful world


PANIRD holds open access academic activities every Monday at 7.00pm eastern time through Zoom or WhatsApp. We have a repetitive three weeks cycle that includes case discussion, journal club and lectures. We already have organized a calendar of activities that through the academic year.

  • check-mark-1Be involved in your care and treatment choices
  • check-mark-1Be welcomed and feel relaxed and cared for
  • check-mark-1Appreciate the well qualified, experienced team
  • check-mark-1Want the best ophthalmologist available

Mission / Vision Statement

It is our mission to exceed expectations by providing exceptional ophthalmic care to our patients and at the same time, building relationships of trust with them.

Our vision is to be one of the leading ophtalmic organisations in the Americas, expanding our services to the rest of the world. We work to be trusted by patients, all over the world.

Common Inherited RD

  • check-mark-1Vitreoretinopathies
  • check-mark-1Ganglion Cell Ret. Opt. Neuroph.
  • check-mark-1Rod and Rod-Con Dystrophies
  • check-mark-1Bipolar/Rod-Bipolar
  • check-mark-1Con/Con and Cone-Rod Dystrophies
  • check-mark-1Pigment Epithelium
  • check-mark-1Bruch`s Membrane
  • check-mark-1Choroidal Dystrophies
Motivation is easy

Our Core Values